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FvF Sits down with Ryan Willms of Inventory Magazine to Talk about His Fashion and Design Influences and More

Where did you grow up and what is it that brought you to Vancouver?

I grew up in Victoria, which is on a fairly large island just off the west coast of British Columbia. After finishing high school, some traveling and a little bit of college, I moved to Vancouver to take a graphic design course and pursue my online magazine at the time. Vancouver was always the natural move from Victoria, offering more of everything from fashion to arts to opportunity.

How did you develop an interest in fashion and design and who has influenced you the most in this regard?

I was interested in clothing from quite a young age, not really considering it as fashion. It was something that first caught my attention through sports and music. Growing up playing basketball, baseball and football, I was always interested in the products from a performance standpoint, but also very much the style and design. I would look forward to new seasons to see what new shoes Michael Jordan would release as well as Allen Iverson after him. My parents were also supportive and helped to expose me to a lot of fashion and design by traveling when I was young. Going to New York, London, Paris and Italy, definitely played a role in my awareness and idea of style, although it was probably more subconscious at the time.

Were there any designers you were initially drawn to once you were exposed to this world?

It’s always been an evolution, but Nike was there from the start, and still is. I also have pretty strong memories of being in London and Italy on those trips when I would have been around 12 or 13, and visiting Armani and Versace stores. I never really got into either of those labels, but going into those retail environments in Europe definitely made an impact on me.

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