The legacy of Bill Murray is an epic yet enigmatic tale of its own. The actor sent out personal Christmas cards, sung karaoke with random people , crashed a kickball game, filmed a school commercial, gave a toast to a random bachelor party, and so on and so forth (you can keep up with more Bill Murray stories here). Brooklyn-based author Robert Schnakenberg has penned The Big Bad Book of Bill Murray: A Critical Appreciation of the World’s Finest Actor, a compilation of the best stories, behind-the-scenes photos, fan art, quotes, and movie stills about the living legend that is Bill Murray, in a tribute that is both humorous and heartfelt. The novel chronicles every single one of Murray’s appearances from his early Saturday Night Live days to Ghostbusters and Lost In Translation, and every Wes Anderson film in between. You can purchase The Big Bad Book of Bill Murray: A Critical Appreciation of the World’s Finest Actor now from Amazon for $11 USD.
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