ESPN’s “Real Street” contest through the X-Games has breathed new life into the notion of a contest. For the past five years, the video submission contest has offered working professionals the opportunity to submit minute-long video parts for a grab at X Games medals and a nice purse prize. Where some would argue that contests as a whole are the antithesis of skateboarding, Real Street stands as a kind of ‘people’s choice’ award; the participants get better every year. For 2015, the contest returns with new footage from some of today’s most prolific shredders, including Brad Cromer, Dolan Stearns, Silas Baxter-Neal and Youness Amrani. Powell-Peralta alumni Mike V appears as a sort of wildcard entry, competing in the contest with a “safety-first” approach and throwback attitude. Head over to ESPN to view the entries and vote for your favorite.
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