In case you didn’t hear, Oscar de la Renta sadly passed away this week. The Cut is remembering him with a look at his best red carpet gowns. He will certainly be missed.
And here are some inspiring quotes from the man himself, via PopSugar.
If you haven’t already seen it, Drunk J.Crew will become your new favorite Tumblr.
If you are generally on board with fashion-forward looks but just don’t GET Alexander Wang’s H&M collection, Buzzfeed Style’s take on it is for you. (I personally love it, but I LOLed at this.)
Agreed: There’s Nothing Wrong With Wearing a Lot of Makeup, via Refinery 29.
17 Things Every Girl Should Have In Her Closet By The Time She’s 21, via Seventeen. Do you have these staples?
So cool: Man Sees for the First Time in 33 Years.
Still need a Halloween costume idea? Vogue has 20 TV and movie-inspired suggestions.
Lucky Mag shares 9 must-follow YouTube channels for Halloween makeup ideas.
Speaking of which, xoVain’s Princess Bubblegum makeup tutorial is AMAZING!
Free People shows you how to create a lace mask with makeup. Genius.
More Halloween ideas: How cute is this Olaf costume?! It’s surprisingly wearable.
Cosmo has some Halloween nail art ideas to try.
What does your favorite Halloween candy say about you? Bustle has the answer.
We are loving this Day of the Dead and Halloween fusion board on Pinterest. Hello, sugar skull pumpkins.
Speaking of delish, we are dying to make these salted caramel buttery crumb bars. NOM.
Love this idea: A new tool from Savyist will match you with your perfect YouTube beauty guru based on your skintone, hair and eye colors, and eyelid type.
The Saddest Homecoming Queen in Ohio is look into the reality of living with depression.
Michelle Obama’s “Turn Down for What” parody is amaze.
Love this DIY phrase bracelet from A Beautiful Mess. It’d be perfect for sororities or groups of friends…
Not sure how I feel about this: Even classic Hollywood stars were basically Photoshopped.
Buzzfeed has some majorly useful tricks for repairing and caring for your jewelry.
10 Tips for Surviving Your Senior Year of College via Thought Catalog.
20 Princess Bride Quotes Still Good for Everyday Usage. Need to re-watch this movie soon!
5 easy ways to de-wrinkle clothes without an iron, via WhoWhatWear. Wrinkle spray is my fave.
Also from WhoWhatWear, 10 Halloween costumes under $30.
5 Steps for Tackling Anxiety, from Cupcakes and Cashmere. has a guide to packing your clutch – perfect for the organizing-obsessed (like me).
For our fellow Duchess obsessors, she’s back and looking great as always!
The Every Girl blog has transformed the turtleneck and puffy vest into gorgeous looks for winter. We are definitely bookmarking this for future inspiration.
Long but worth reading: “Basic” is Just Another Word for Class Anxiety, Buzzfeed argues.
JennyPurr has some things to do when you’re having a bad week.
For writers, How to Write 10,000 Words in One Day (And Survive).
Not sure how accurate this is, but it’s interesting nonetheless: Mean Stars ranks your favorite celebs based on real-life encounters. T. Swift is looking pretty good!
If Disney Characters Took Selfies, via BoredPanda. LOL!
CUTE: Dogs Who Like Starbucks Way More Than You Do. <3 <3
Two of the world’s greatest wonders, combined on one Tumblr. May we present to you Shoe Kitten, where cats frolic by coveted footwear.
And finally…. PLATYPUS!
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