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Hautelinks: Week of 10/23/14

Hautelinks - your weekly source for the best of the web

* In case you didn’t hear, Oscar de la Renta sadly passed away this week. The Cut is remembering him with a look at his best red carpet gowns. He will certainly be missed.

* And here are some inspiring quotes from the man himself, via PopSugar.

* If you haven’t already seen it, Drunk J.Crew will become your new favorite Tumblr.

* If you are generally on board with fashion-forward looks but just don’t GET Alexander Wang’s H&M collection, Buzzfeed Style’s take on it is for you. (I personally love it, but I LOLed at this.)

* Agreed: There’s Nothing Wrong With Wearing a Lot of Makeup, via Refinery 29.

* 17 Things Every Girl Should Have In Her Closet By The Time She’s 21, via Seventeen. Do you have these staples?

* So cool: Man Sees for the First Time in 33 Years.

* Still need a Halloween costume idea? Vogue has 20 TV and movie-inspired suggestions.

* Lucky Mag shares 9 must-follow YouTube channels for Halloween makeup ideas.

* Speaking of which, xoVain’s Princess Bubblegum makeup tutorial is AMAZING!

* Free People shows you how to create a lace mask with makeup. Genius.

* More Halloween ideas: How cute is this Olaf costume?! It’s surprisingly wearable.

* Cosmo has some Halloween nail art ideas to try.

* What does your favorite Halloween candy say about you? Bustle has the answer.

* We are loving this Day of the Dead and Halloween fusion board on Pinterest. Hello, sugar skull pumpkins.

* Speaking of delish, we are dying to make these salted caramel buttery crumb bars. NOM.

* Love this idea: A new tool from Savyist will match you with your perfect YouTube beauty guru based on your skintone, hair and eye colors, and eyelid type.

* The Saddest Homecoming Queen in Ohio is look into the reality of living with depression.

* Michelle Obama’s “Turn Down for What” parody is amaze.

* Love this DIY phrase bracelet from A Beautiful Mess. It’d be perfect for sororities or groups of friends…

* Not sure how I feel about this: Even classic Hollywood stars were basically Photoshopped.

* Buzzfeed has some majorly useful tricks for repairing and caring for your jewelry.

* 10 Tips for Surviving Your Senior Year of College via Thought Catalog.

* 20 Princess Bride Quotes Still Good for Everyday Usage. Need to re-watch this movie soon!

* 5 easy ways to de-wrinkle clothes without an iron, via WhoWhatWear. Wrinkle spray is my fave.

* Also from WhoWhatWear, 10 Halloween costumes under $30.

* 5 Steps for Tackling Anxiety, from Cupcakes and Cashmere.

* has a guide to packing your clutch – perfect for the organizing-obsessed (like me).

* For our fellow Duchess obsessors, she’s back and looking great as always!

* The Every Girl blog has transformed the turtleneck and puffy vest into gorgeous looks for winter. We are definitely bookmarking this for future inspiration.

* Long but worth reading: “Basic” is Just Another Word for Class Anxiety, Buzzfeed argues.

* JennyPurr has some things to do when you’re having a bad week.

* For writers, How to Write 10,000 Words in One Day (And Survive).

* Not sure how accurate this is, but it’s interesting nonetheless: Mean Stars ranks your favorite celebs based on real-life encounters. T. Swift is looking pretty good!

* If Disney Characters Took Selfies, via BoredPanda. LOL!

* CUTE: Dogs Who Like Starbucks Way More Than You Do. <3 <3

* Two of the world’s greatest wonders, combined on one Tumblr. May we present to you Shoe Kitten, where cats frolic by coveted footwear.

* And finally…. PLATYPUS!

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